Grow your hair in ONE night?!

So I’ve been dying to grow out my hair and I feel like it has been taking forever! I’ve tried sugar bear hair, which I could honestly tell a difference but you had to purchase a new bottle every month and I just got a little lazy with it….oops! So I was looking up natural ways to grow your hair on YouTube. Not joking, there like hundreds of beauty guru swearing by this made at home treatment that it will grow an inch by morning. So of course I was going to test it out! What you need….

  1. 2 eggs 🍳
  2. Olive oil
  3. Coconut oil


  • Crack both eggs and put them in a bowl
  • Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Whisk them together until it is all mixed together
  • Apply the mixture to your hair and massage it into your scalp and all over the hair
  • Put a plastic bag “or something “on top of your head and make sure that it is secure and tucked behide the ears so no stuff seeps down. Wear this for a full 1 hour
  • Then wash out with normal shampoo and conditioner!
  • After this you were going to take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil microwave it for about 30 seconds and then you were going to massage this mixture into your hair for a good for five minutes!
  • Now you’ll place a plastic bag on top of your head and were going to let this work for eight hours!
  • After you wake up take the bag off and shower normally with normal shampoo and conditioner

I unfortunately did not measure my hair first before doing the experiment but I did notice that my hair was very soft and it looked more healthy after trying this!

Author: Sondra_Wanderlust

Passion for fashion, beauty, and home decor! Follow me as I talk about the things I love and the places I travel to.

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